
Find these in the APP store or google play

What is DBT? An overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy by the UCSF DBT Program for Adolescents and Young Adults.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) explanation from the creator, Dr. Marsha Linehan.

A Borderline Personality (BPD) overview by Perry Hoffman, Ph.D.

Borderline Personailty Disorder: Charting the Future by John M. Oldham, MD, MS

The “Open Your Mind Before You Open Your Mouth” Video Series A series of videos that provide education and support for families and individuals diagnosed with BPD. This series was developed jointly by NEABPD (Dr. Alan Fruzzetti) and the National Office for Suicide Prevention in Ireland (HSE) and is used in Family Connections groups. One series is for adults and the other series is for youth/parents/caretakers. Includes role plays by actors. Covers topics such as family education, relationship mindfulness skills, family environment skills, validation skills, problem management skills, a glossary of terms, emotion regulation skills, interpersonal effectiveness skills, “DBT in action.”

Brandon Marshall and BPD

Former Miami Dolphins WR Brandon Marshall gives a speech about his own struggles with BPD and how he became an activist in combatting it.

Brandon Marshall talks about the #StrongerThanStigma campaign

Prolonged Exposure (PE) Videos

Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD featured on Dateline NBC

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Adolescents with PTSD

Prolonged Exposure therapy for PTSD featured on NOVA

Dr. Edna Foa talks about the barriers to dissemination of Prolonged Exposure Therapy



Kristin Neff, PhD’s TED Talk on Self-Esteem and Self Compassion

A Forum on the influence that racial trauma has on mental health and ideas for coping

Jon Kabat-Zinn discusses what mindfulness and meditation are really about: presence of heart.

Brené Brown’s TED Talk on Vulnerability

Lady Gaga joined Oprah Winfrey for an honest conversation about mental health and self-care

A brief cartoon description of the (super!)power of mindfulness.